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Dale Lewis, Minnesota


I’m an Electrical Tech. and Machinist who worked for a specialized machine builder. After leaving the work force, I found myself with time to experiment with making mosaic sculptures. In 2010 I bought equipment and started making welded metal sculptures.  My hobby has become a full-time obsession for me. I try to make each piece entertaining, one recurring comment I hear from people is that my art makes them smile. That’s what makes it fun! There’s no turning back now, this is what I want to do, when I grow up!


There are stories about wild pigs getting huge, this is one of them. Steel armature covered with salvaged stainless steel. It’s funny to me that kids notice he has tusks and adults just notice he has a set.


Site Sponsor: Clubine & Rettele


@2014 Sculpture Tour Salina

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