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8. Relic No. 32
Dee Warren ~ Salina, Kansas
Dee was born and raised in Kansas. He studied art briefly at Wichita State before transferring to Kansas State University where he earned his BFA in 1993. Dee took part in the 2012 Sculpture Tour Symposium led by Glenn Zweygardt and is currently working as Marketing Manager at Land Pride in Salina and sculpt in my free time.
Relic No. 32 was created using objects found on Kansas farms to build a form of repeating shapes anchored around a central axis created from old copper pipe. The stone is unaltered and appears just as found. Glass is added in the chiseled hole and added to the top for a repeating element.
Dee is the first Salinan to have a piece in the SculptureTour Salina walking tour!!
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