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Stand For The Flag


Sherri Treeby and Lee Leuning, South Dakota


Sherri Treeby and Lee Leuning have been partners in Bad River Artworks for 28 years, having placed over 150 sculptures throughout the US and Canada in addition to many placed worldwide. Bad River Artworks is in the business of story telling. Each piece we do is a discovery for the viewer as they walk around the figure and see the story unfolding.


This is a Vietnam Veteran who has been through hell for his country...he has lost a limb and it is a reminder everyday what he has sacrificed. He is depicted with his pant leg pinned up as the old timers did before the time of technology, standing on a curb obviously saluting the flag as it goes by in a parade, still standing by his country.


Site Sponsor: Philips


@2014 Sculpture Tour Salina

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