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21.  Weaver


Tom Newport  ~  Iowa


Tom Newport is, a full time metal smith. He spends equal amounts of his time designing and repairing jewelry and making larger sculptures from stainless steel and other metals. He has been showing his work in this type of show since 1981. He learned both jewelry and sculpture while attending Cornell Collage, in Mount Vernon, Iowa. H has maintained a jewelry studio and a sculpture studio in Cedar Rapids, Ia. for the past 30 years.


Weaver is a zig-zag of 3" stainless steel tubes with stainless steel rod winding in and out like the wind.  Weaver was welded with 3" in diameter stainless steel tubing, woven stainless steel 1/4" rod and formed by hand and welded in between.  It can be purchased for $6,000.

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